From Principal Peterson:

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand there are a lot of questions about how the remainder of the school year will look. Our building may be closed, but school is not cancelled and teaching and learning continue. We will add to these Frequently Asked Questions as new answers come in and as new topics develop.


Will students keep their BSD computers over the summer?  This is yet to be determined. 

Will students be able to retrieve items left in their lockers? Yes. We will share information soon about when and how that can happen.  It is important we continue to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Can students save and turn in Tillicum Tigers next year? Absolutely!

Will there still be a Tillicum yearbook? Yes! We are proceeding with our yearbook and will share information on how to receive a yearbook when it is available.

What happens to our grade levels and classes next year, will students need to repeat? All students will move on to the the next grade level and course next course in a sequence. Instruction and curriculum will be adjusted to meet students where they are.

Will there be summer school? If so, will it be required? At this time, summer school is still an offering, though that may change. Summer school will not be required.

How will borrowed items be returned to the school? We will work out a process for those items to be returned this year, or next year.

Will those who have unreturned items be charged? Fines will only be issued after students have had an opportunity return borrowed items.

Will 6th graders be able to go to Camp Sealth next year? What about the trip to Washington D.C?  We do not know if there will be impacts to student travel opportunities next year.

Will there be an 8th grade Promotion Ceremony, and do 8th graders move on to high school?  Yes! It is important to celebrate this milestone. Though we may not be able to gather physically as a community for this celebration, we are considering options to replace our traditional promotion ceremony.  All 8th grade students will move on to 9th grade next year.

Will there be state Smarter Balance testing this year?  No, state testing has been cancelled.

Can students return or switch their musical instruments over the summer?  This is yet to be determined.

Will there be after school activities that will/can be offered virtually?  Yes.  Check the daily bulletin for opportuntiies for clubs and activities.