Dear 8th graders and 8th grade parents - 
Here is what you need to know about the upcoming 8th grade party
  • All students must have a permission slip completed: here is the link
  • No physical tickets are required - this event is free for all students, however donations are being encouraged and accepted.  You can make a donation in any amount here
  • Tshirt orders and yard signs are now closed.  We do however have a very limited amount of extras for purchase.  Please reach out to Sarah or Christie if you would like to purchase
  • All students need to be signed in and out of the party
  • There will be no leaving and re-entering allowed
  • There will be chaperones at all doors, students need to enter through the front/main doors.  
  • We still need more volunteers!  Please considering signing up here:
Food, entertainment, and prizes will make the event extra special.