The letter linked here was read aloud during the BSD School Board meeting this past Thursday 1/26. In summary, the letter (written by one of our amazing PLE parents), was written as a collective from all individuals and families directly impacted by the proposed Bellevue School District closures, to formally object to the Bellevue School District process currently underway to address budget shortfalls by closing selected elementary schools; request public access to the data sets and methodology used to arrive at the projections of decreasing student enrollment and the conclusion that the trend is due largely to area population decline; include a team of representatives from our school community in the recommendation process to ensure open channels of communication with constituents; and to request meaningful involvement and due process of school closures as required by RCW 28A.355.020 and BSD Policy 6883. The rationale behind these requests is outlined in the letter along with references


This weekend, one big final push is being made to collect as many signatures with the letter as possible (currently, there are 419). If you have not yet signed and would like your voice to be included, please add your name ASAP. A registered hard copy of the letter and names will be mailed to the Executive Team and School Board on Monday. 


Please feel free to share on your social media!